Member of
the Parliament
Helsinki should be the capital of mental health
We have to defend forests, mental health and wellbeing. I am a City Councillor from Vuosaari, a Member of Finnish Parliament for the Greens, and soon to be the mother of a small baby.
In Helsinki, there should only be queues at festivals – not for mental health services. That’s why, together with mental health organisations, we pushed through the Therapy Guarantee law, which will take effect for young people in May. This law should be expanded to everyone. After my council initiative, Helsinki has also opened four open and free Mieppi-mental health clinics, where people have received significant help. This model must be expanded.
Too many people are drowning in worries and bills. Cuts to income support, education, and healthcare must be reversed. We need to invest in affordable housing, and improve student housing as well as support for students.
Let’s reduce climate emissions, not forests. We must protect our nearby forests, expand hiking trails, and improve their accessibility via public transport. Let’s take care of our unique nature, culture, and wellbeing. Together.